Friday, 4 November 2011

Look what you can build with the Stamper Tool!

Hello everyone!
It's amazing what awesome things you can build with the stamper tool! I build this huge castle in a couple of hours.

Everything there are 2x2 bricks, unanchored, so if you hit a rocket against that. You'd be able to have an awesome brick battle destroying it all. Then it could regen.

This is just an example of the amazing things you can do with the stamper tool!

Here's some of your questions answered.

"Why are the parts not anchored" 
Roblox want to encourage users to make stuff with individual blocks, this way they want more "blow up" games where you get to destroy things with rockets and bombs.

"How did you make it so it fits into the terrain like that?" 
Simple really, just delete the parts of terrain using the delete tool and replace it with wall or floor.

"How did you make your name appear like that in the wall?" 
Simple, just use the multi task tool. Press f, then pick your color, next paint on the wall.

"I want to build like that, but for some reason I can't keep it to stay up right, it just falls" 
Weld the parts together by adjusting the surfaces of each side.

I hope this was interesting! See what you can make with the stamper tool!

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