Monday, 7 November 2011

Tips and Tricks On How to Set Up Your Personal Sever For Maximum Fun!

Ever wondered what's the best way to get maximum fun out of personal severs? Ever wondered what it takes to make a great fun building enviroment in your personal sever? This article explains it all, simple, easy and fun.

Firstly I suggest building a nice meeting area in your personal sever where all you friends come together and discuss ideas with each other on what they want to build. You can then all work out a way how you can incorporate your ideas into the game, making sure that the whole map flows together.
Here's a good, nice example. Of a meeting.
Robloxian1: "Hey Everyone, welcome to my Personal sever"
Robloxian2  "Okay Thanks"
Robloxian3  "So what's the agenda for this meeting?"
Robloxian1: "We will discuss all our ideas on what we want to build here, then we'll discuss on how we can pick out the best ideas and find out where they should be built."
Robloxian3  "Great, I have lots of ideas!"
Robloxian2  "I would love to build a giant city area and a big tall bridge for cars to drive over to the city!"
Robloxian1: "Good idea, but we should not make the city too big otherwise we won't have enough room for my mall!"
Robloxian3  "A mall! What a great idea!"
 Robloxian2  "Maybe the mall could go in my city?"
Robloxian1: "Great! So the game could be about cops vs robbers? Where at first everyone starts off on the bridge and the robbers have to try and break into the mall with out getting caught?" 
Robloxian3  "I could help build the mall, then I'll work on the scenery"
Robloxian1: "Okay then it's decided! I'll generate some terrain then update this place so we can build all this on the terrain!" 
Robloxian3  "This is going to be epic!"  
Robloxian2  "I know right!"
Robloxian1: "We better get to work, meet me back here in 5 minutes."

Now you can see a good advantage of personal severs, you can share your ideas, then develop them together. Why not make the most of Roblox's new feature? There's so many possibilities.

Are you an advanced builder? Want to c-frame parts in-game? Well just go to studio and add a c-frame gui tool into starter pack! You can do the same with more tools. I suggest building the place with welded un-anchored blocks for extra fun! Could you imaging a game "Blow up the giant city?" This would only work if the bricks were un-anchored!

Want to make parts in studio, but don't want people to edit them in the private sever? Simple solution, just build the stuff in studio then lock them by adjusting the properties. Next upload it and your friends will not be able to edit anything locked! Great yes?

You may ask me, TheJKid, but I can't think of any great fun ideas, could you give me some tips?
  • Be creative, don't pick something un-original like sword fight on a base plate.
  • As I said earlier keep the bricks anchored and build a wall up of tons of bricks rather than just using one, this way people can have fun exploding things up. You could easily make it regen in studio!
  • Keep the game colorful, don't just use the same colors over and over again.
  • Allow some gear, people tend to have more fun when testing their gear out there.
 Telamon made a fun template for personal severs, to build on. Check it out on iron noob!

Got any questions? Post them in the comments! 
Hope this was helpful!

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1 comment:

  1. Yes I have a question how do i ancore the bricks from stamper in private server mode (Bumpbercar1)
