Friday, 2 December 2011

Holiday Lights Hat Review

Holiday Lights Hat Review

Hello, Intern Poke here, and I will be reviewing the latest Christmas hat that came out, Holiday Lights. This hat can make anyone look like a Christmas Tree, it also has a matching package:

Holiday Lights

Creativity/Design: 9/10- You cannot go wrong with buying this hat, it's like your a walking Christmas tree! This hat's design is to make it look like you were putting lights on a Christmas tree, but you accidentally got tangled in the process.

Color: 10/10- This hat is like a rainbow! It is very colorful, with some of the main colors such as yellow, red, etc. and extra colors like turquoise and bright purple.

Price: 8/10- I know this is a great hat and all, but the price is kind of high for a hat like this. The price is 250, but it should be 150, but there are over 1500 buys so I guess the price to most people are decent.

Overall: 8.8/10- Go and get yourself a pair of Holiday Lights, it's a fashion trend this month, and do not worry about the price!

Thanks for reading! Remember to post a comment on how I did for my review! If you have a hat review suggestion don't keep it jailed your brain, send me a message on ROBLOX!


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