Want to know the roblox gossip? Want to know what everyone is talking about? I'm the guy, to tell you!
Anyway, what is going on right now on the forums, mostly speaking in terms of the Forum Category "Roblox Talk".
Well, mostly people are raging on how they cannot join games and their keyboards are broken only when they play Roblox. Obviously roblox are trying their best to prevent these things happening, so if it's happening to you please email info@roblox.com with your problem and be patient.
Weird right? Because my keyboard is perfectly fine and I can join games, except my computer is a bit bad so games are quite laggy.
Another thing a ton of people are talking about is how many posts they want to reach before 2012 or 2013 or like next week or any other date. As it is coming up to the new year some people may post about their roblox new year resolutions.
People are talking about when they are becoming a veteran, contests about who to vote for, asking scripting questions which should not be in this category, and building questions, again not in this category.
A lot of people are speaking of some kind of famous hall of fame, which is a Hall of Fame for Roblox Talk made by RoboDude(His interview - http://roblox-thejkid.blogspot.com/2011/11/interview-with-and-interesting-06er.html ) for apparently for models of people. Something original I suppose! We'll have to keep an eye on that!
That's all I got for you today! See you next time!
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